'We are calling for people to send us MP3 files of their everyday, informal conversations in exchange for a small payment to help me and my team to delve deeper into spoken language.' 我们让人们录下他们每天的非正式对话并把MP3文件寄给我们,相应地我们也会向他们支付一些报酬。这些文件可以帮助我和我的团队更加深入地研究口语。
Then the computer-mediated experiments moved online, with researchers such as Goldstein assembling large panels of participants willing to log in and take part in exchange for a modest payment. 后来,以计算机为媒介的实验移到网络上,像戈尔茨坦这样的研究员召集大量愿意加入并换取适量报酬的参与者小组进行实验。
Income in foreign currency shall be converted into Renminbi according to the exchange rate quoted by the State exchange control authorities for purposes of tax payment. 所得为外国货币的,应当按照国家外汇管理机关公布的外汇牌价折合成人民币缴纳税款。
As part of the deferred prosecution agreement, which spares the bank from criminal prosecution in exchange for the payment and a promise to reform its practices, JPMorgan admitted that it had ignored multiple red flags. 作为暂缓起诉协议的一部分,摩根大通承认自己忽视了多个警示信号。按照协议规定,摩根大通缴纳罚款并承诺改革其行为,以换取免于刑事起诉。
Please prepare enough cash in RMB or exchange in the bank beforehand for payment as we can not accept foreign currency or credit cards on campus. 请准备一定的人民币现金以支付学费和其他费用,目前我校不能收取外币或使用信用卡,请自行到银行换取足够的人民币备用。
Please let me have a marketable lot in exchange for them. An exporter cannot receive payment until the goods on consignment have been sold sometime in the future. 请允许我们收到能出售的货物并将原货寄回。等到将来寄售(托销)的货物售出之后,出口商才能收回货款。